Full-stack application aimed to bridge the gap between non-profits and donors. Allows donors to create donation applications and non-profits to apply for donations.
HackUTD X Website
Event website for the 10th iteration of HackUTD, utilizing parts of HackPortal. Reached 2000+ applicants.
A streamlined hackathon event management platform aimed at assisting hackathon organizers and hackers nationwide. Features hacker registration, log-in, qr code check-in, and hackathon information.
Spinboard - JP Morgan
Classroom monitoring app for neurodivergent students engineered at JP Morgan's Code for Good hackathon.
SimpliFarm - HackTX
Machine learning application that calculates optimal water and fertilization usage for farmers. Utilizes Firebase and Weather & Google APIs to store user data and obtain data.
HackUTD IX Website
Event website for the 9th iteration of HackUTD, utilizing parts of HackPortal. Reached 1000+ applicants.
HackUTD VIII Website
Event website for the 8th iteration of HackUTD, utilizing parts of HackPortal. Reached 800+ hackathon users and 1000+ applicants.
Mind Reader Game - Comp Arch
Simple number guessing game built using MIPS for CS2340 Computer Architecture
Blink - HackDFW
Real-time video conference platform that mimics an in-person engaging classroom environment. Uses integrated activites such as instant teacher dm, quizzes, and question checkups.
App Academy Projects
Projects done for AppAcademy Open, an online full-stack bootcamp. Contains projects using Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and more.
Chess game built using Ruby. Features game saving through YAML, move assist, and cursor input through keyboard.
Minesweeper game built using Ruby. Features game saving through YAML.
Minos' Quest - TamuHack
Real-time multiplayer tile based labrynth game using Processing.
HackUTD VII Website
Event website for the 7th iteration of HackUTD. Used plain html, css, js.
Site to test typing speed using quotes API generator to generate text. Features light and pastel theme options. Used plain html, css, js.
CookAlong - ACM Projects
Digital sous chef web application that allows users to search for recipes and to be guided through desired recipe hands free using text-speech and speech-text functionalities. Won first place.
First Personal Site
Very first site I've created. Purpose was to learn about web development and React.
Tobor's Treasure Troph
3D puzzle and adventure game created through Unity for HackUTD GameJam 2020.